Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Strawberry Fool weekend

Hullo Bananas! I had a pretty fun weekend, I hope you all did too. I went to see Tron at IMAX, hung out at my friends garage sale on Saturday, and then went swimming on Sunday, followed by some cider and chips in the sun at the park. Then Sunday night I made 'Strawberry Fool' for a late dinner/dessert (I know, not exactly the healthiest of days…!)

This is a bit of a cobbled together recipe - I had a whole bunch of strawberries I bought cheap because they were just on the verge of turning to mush, so perfect to use to make strawberry sauce. The sauce recipe is from Hungry and Frozen, and the 'Fool' part was Nigella inspired, though I think she uses fresh strawberries for hers. Anyway, it was pretty good, and super easy once the sauce was done.


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